Thursday, May 22, 2014

"What is the best place to...?"

Bourgard raids are now MON / FRI @ 1700EST.
Jezebel raids are now WED @ 1700EST & SUN @ 1200EST.

Hello all! It's been a while since I've been able to make a new post because work has been... "consistent" is the way I'll phrase it. Great for job security, not so good for free time!

We all want to be efficient with our farming since it takes up such a large portion of our time, so it's logical to ask the question: "Where is the best place to..." in order to ensure you're maximizing your efficiency. Maybe you just don't know where to find those elusive guild scrolls, or perhaps you're looking for the best place to fight certain bosses. I'm hoping this article helps answer those questions for you.


... Fight Wandering Bosses?

Wandering bosses are essentially an unlimited supply of cards, mana / stamina potions and arena tickets.... provided you have the mana / skills to defeat them! I used to be picky about who I farmed, but in my old age I've become wiser, and now farm them ALL until I can no longer beat them without using any potions. I do this mostly to GET potions (and their cards), so obviously don't USE potions when they are what you're trying to stockpile from defeating them. I have selected these locations to farm since they have the best feeders and the lowest stamina costs.
  • Black Knight: Avalon - Stone Hill (2 stamina)
  • Father Maleficent: Glastonbury - Joseph's Gorge (3 stamina)
  • Necros the Grim: Broceliande - Nasciens Cave (3 stamina)
  • Fenris: Tintagel - Uther's Gorge (4 stamina)
  • Morbius the Cursed: Lyonesse - Priory Mount (4 stamina)
  • Balzathor: Southport - Melsow's Mountain (5 stamina)
  • Karn: Salisbury - Wilton Forest (5 stamina)
  • Desdemona: Silchester - Levocomagus Village (5 stamina)
  • Gravebane: Sandstorm - Demons Flat (5 stamina)
  • Terraheart: Huntington - Crawden Pass (5 stamina)

... Gain Experience?

Experience levels you up, and there is really only ONE place to go if EXP is what you hunger for!
  • Tintagel - Uther's Gorge (+18 EXP!)

... Refill Mana / Stamina Bars?

Sometimes you're just short those last few mana to fight a boss. Others you just want to keep exploring a region. In either case, if you're looking to refill stamina / mana through exploration the best place to farm is:
  • Lyonesse - Priory Mount (Refills 30 stamina / mana!)

... Find Guild Scrolls?

You like guild battles, right? RIGHT?? Good! We all need to be vigilant and farm these locations because when we stop... so do the guild raids! DO YOUR PART FOR YOUR GUILD!
  • Scrolls of Death: Glastonbury - Joseph's Gorge (Bourgard / Ossion The Dread)
  • Scrolls of Cruelty: Broceliande - Nasciens Cave (Jezebel the Shriek)

... Find FEEDER Cards?

This is the $1 million question, and it's the only one I have no concrete answer to. However, through our testing we've come up with the following "logical explanations" since different areas have different benefits. I look at this question as needing a "secondary objective" in order to know where the best place is to farm feeders, but it is always between the following locations:
  • Glastonbury - Joseph's Gorge: IF I also require Scrolls of Death
  • Broceliande - Nasciens Cave: IF I also require Scrolls of Cruelty
  • Tintagel - Uther's Gorge: IF I also want lots of EXP
  • Lyonesse - Priory Mount: If I just want to keep grinding as long as possible
Glastonbury / Brocelliande are both great places since the stamina cost is 3 in contrast to the others which are 4. The tradeoff is that if you get a stamina / mana (s/m) restoration it is much less than those you get from both Tintagel and Lyonesse. As a guild leader I can also appreciate the fact that you get scrolls from these locations. If there was one that I prefer to the other, it is Brocelliande since it restores 10 s/m instead of the 5 s/m you get from Glastonbury.

Tintagel / Lyonesse cost more to quest in, but give higher s/m returns on a potion discovery. This additional s/m helps to mitigate the additional 1 stamina cost to quest in these areas. Since Lyonesse pays out 30 s/m it is my preference between the 2 of them.

Soooo my personal choices as "top places to find feeders" is a toss-up between
  • Broceliande - Nasciens Cave &
  • Lyonesse - Priory Mount


I tried to cover most of the questions I get asked on the regular, but maybe there's something I missed, something you want more information about, or something you disagree with. If so, please post in the comments and I'd be happy to reply with further information or amend this guide as required.

I hope it helps save you may hours of farming by becoming more efficient... and now that you've read this you have no excuses for NOT farming some guild scrolls since you know where they're located! (... No need to wait for a formal invitation, get out there and get farming!)

Carl Szalich

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Avalon News Network - TANN

Volume 1.0: May 08, 2014

Hello, and thank you for tuning into TANN: "The Avalon News Network". I'm your host, Psilence, from Bors-46.


Gaznar and Morbius were recently seen together strolling the outskirts of Joseph's Gorge smoking cigars and gorging on mana potions. The pair recently garnered media notoriety when Gaznar, formerly a recluse, decided to publicly appear for 24 hours in the small village of Glastonbury. Seen carousing with the locals and signing autographs, it seemed as though the BFFs would enjoy a day of luxury and admiration, but it was not to be. Paparazzi and hopeful suitors flooded the streets upon news of his arrival, and what started as a day of fun and friendship ended in a murderous spree when one foolhardy reporter made the egregious mistake of accusing Gaznar of being a "cheap promotional item designed to steal peoples money" and that he "wasn't that great as a T1 anyways".


It has been over a week since the legendary and enigmatic SHOCKER has been seen in the arenas, and speculation is abound as to his wereabouts. Some claim that he's retired his sword since there was no competition left, and he'd accomplished all he set out to do. Others say a large group of adversaries surrounded him and were able to defeat him using superior numbers and an increased proc chance on an army of Sunmages. Yet others speculate that the credit card companies took him into custody when he couldn't pay them back for his ill-gotten-gains, and a mounting debt in the "real world" caused him to go into hiding. We may never solve the mystery of what's happened to him, but the phrase "one in the pink, and two in the stink" will always bring back vivid memories of the destruction we all faced at his hands. S.H.O.C.K.E.R., wherever you are, know that you are missed.


The mighty Fenris was admitted to a hospital in Tintagel for psychological evaluation after a failed suicide attempt late last night. "I just can't deal with not being the best" said the washed up demon lord. "I used to be the one people would hope to drop... now all I hear is Terraheart this, or Gravebane that. That used to be ME they'd complain about! MEEEE!!!!". Our squire on the scene is standing by with Desdemona for her comments. "He'd always been a little unstable, but none of us in the monsters community thought it would come to this. We're all wishing Fenris a speedy recovery and are hopeful he'll be terrorizing newbs everywhere again soon." Balzathor himself was also on scene and in an exclusive interview had a differing opinion: "The guy's a washed up has-been, maybe even a never-was. You try working with him on a tank team for hours at a time... the guy smells like wet dog and never procs when I want him to. He's only good for his stats, and even those aren't that great anymore. Heck, I wouldn't even perfect evolve his hairy @$$." Those of us here at TANN offer our sympathies.


And in our final piece of the night we explore an undercover story: "FelixTheCat & Fausto... real people, or robots in disguise?" Our experts here at TANN are investigating allegations that these two (amongst others) are not actually people, but 'bots designed to be beaten up by newbs in order to increase their confidence! What a cruel and sadistic marketing ploy by big brother Kabam. More on this breaking story as it develops...

From all of here at TANN, this is Psilence signing off.
Stay classy HoC!

Carl Szalich (Psilence on Bors-46)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Finding Friends in FLASH ARENAs

*REMINDER* BOURGARD is this WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY May 07 / May 09 @ 1900 (7pm) EST Timezone.
*REMINDER* JEZEBEL is this SUNDAY May 11 @ 1200 (12pm) EST Timezone.

We've probably all been here at some point:
It's getting late. You're exhausted and just want to sleep, BUT you're only a couple hundred might away from making that elusive top prize in the most recent 24hr Flash Arena. You hit refresh... DAMN! All of your opponents are either too close to risk losing your +200% streak bonus OR have 20K+ attack higher than you do. Crestfallen and cursing your luck you prepare to waste another 3min of your life pondering how it ever was that you began playing this game in the first place while pulling out small tuffs of your hair in an impatient, mindless manner. The timer hits zero... you refresh again hoping beyond hope for some chump to have left in their farm team... but alas, the fates are cruel and instead you're rewarded with the 3 top players in your realm (fully powered) in each of the challenge, average, and easy slots. Your cold tears soak your pillow as you lay down, defeated at last, and collapse in exhaustion...
I feel decks in HoC can basically be broken down into 3 rough categories:
  1. Beginner: You're just starting and dont know much about the game. You tried arena, but couldn't beat anyone. You're not sure if you even LIKE this game but are willing to try it out so start the long arduous road to leveling your toons. You do not expect to win anytime soon.
  2. Midrange Decks: You've now been playing for a month at least and are having SOME success in the arenas. You struggle to beat other midrange decks since you can't afford to lose a streak, and auto-skip any of the hard battles. You're beginnig to wonder if you'll ever catch up to the big fish but vow to keep trying!
  3. Ultra Decks: The deck you see in arena that are waaayyyyyy ahead of yours that you both fear and admire, but can't compete with.
This article is geared towards us players who fall into the Midrange Decks category. You know enough about the game to compete, but can't seem to get anywhere due to being blocked by Ultra Decks and being too close to other midrange decks to guarantee not losing your streak.
I think Conan the Barbarian best sums up our feelings on what we want to do in the arena:
But how are we to get there? How do we get the resources to turn our weak girly-man decks into competitors? We can either get lucky with stones or WIN ARENA PRIZES. As alluded to above, however, that's not always so easy.
So what can we do? We can band together!!
You know that fuzzy feeling you get when you hit refresh and find a farm team? We can all experience that joy on a much more frequent basis if when we're done in a FLASH ARENA (whether it be because we hit max reward OR are just taking a break) we put in our FARM TEAM or something equally terrible that your fellow midrange decks can beat!
By doing this we are helping our fellow midrange (as well as beginner) players AND ourselves!
Now obviously this isn't going to work if only one or two people per realm do it, but that's why I'm getting this article out there... so that we can all try it out and see how our realms adapt to it. If after a month you're still the only person doing this, then sure, your back has been trampled by others enough and stop. But let's give this a fair shot, because if a LOT of people start doing it, we should all be able to save a ton of tickets and keep our streak bonuses going for much longer than previoulsy possible!
  • Allows more possible victories when you refresh since farm teams are 100% beatable.
  • Helps new players acheive moderate success and may prevent them from quitting since they see some "hope" of acheiving a goal.
  • Even if someone doesn't put in their farm team, if they are weaker than you and have acheived a higher rank than you by piggy backing, you now have a weaker player ahead of you on refresh that you can beat.
  • Able to acheive top prizes faster since you'll have more targets which means you get to reclaim a little more of your "real" life instead of grinding.
  • And how about the biggie: Gives midrange players the POSSIBILITY to hit 3K to 4K might which for many of us is an impossibility right now.
Since there are no "rank" prizes in flash arenas, it doesn't matter if you're in first place or 100th place you just need to have enough might to get top prize. I would not do this method when there are RANKED prizes to be won unless you;re trying to LOWER your position.  So things like "Scroll Arenas" or "Super Arenas" are out when it comes to this strategy.
(... UNLESS you're like me, and want to push people ahead of you in the first day or two so that you'll have an easier time in the last day when you actually start grinding since weaker decks will have already piggy backed off you and are now primed for a beating haha :P.)
Something I should put out there as a warning: I've seen a lot of the Ultra players reduce their teams to a point where it may appear as though you have a chance, but in reality they bury a T4 Arcane Archer or Khufu somewhere where you can't see it so you will THINK they are beatable, but then have your entire party wiped out in one proc. If suddenly the top player in your realm is showing up with a deck that you think you can beat... be careful! They could have a "streak breaking team" in place and are trying to trick you into battling them so that you'll lose.
(Yes this has happened to me, but I'm not bitter... OK I'm bitter.)
To all those players out there who already have Ultra decks and still lower their teams when done. You guys are AWESOME and I'm sure we all really appreciate the help! :)

I'll personally be trying to do this strategy more often, as I'd like to be able to catch up to the Ultra decks someday and feel that if we all work together in FLASH ARENAS we'll ALL have a better chance to succeed and continue to enjoy the game long term. Please consider trying this strategy for a while to see if it helps! ;)


Carl Szalich
Psilence on Bors-46