Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Different Evolution Methods and YOU

*NOTE* For the foreseeable future we will be doing Bourgard raids on Fridays at 1900 EST and Jezebel raids on Sundays at 1200 EST.

There is a lot of debate on how to properly evolve your cards.

Casual players feel it’s ok to “cheat” and skip leveling your cards until you hit a T4. Purists feel that there is only one way… the perfect evolve. Most seem to fall somewhere in between and level and evolve a few cards here and there until they are happy with the overall results.

In all reality the ONLY “correct” way is the Perfect Evolution method, but let’s face it… that takes FOREVER and a day.
So if you’re not one of those people who can max level / evolve every single card that you come across (I barely have any room left in my inventory to store feeders to upgrade the cards I’m USING let alone those that are just going to be “in progress” for a few weeks), what should you be aiming for and how can you get there?


I’m sure you’re all familiar with the story of the tortoise and the hare. If you’re not, the basis of the story is as such:

The hare (rabbit) challenges the tortoise (turtle) to a race. The hare gets a huge lead on the tortoise and decides that since he’s so far ahead, he can relax, so decides to sleep since he’s crushing the poor little tortoise. Meanwhile, the tortoise is slowly chugging along at a consistent pace, overtakes the sleeping hare, and wins the contest.

The moral of the story? “Slow and steady wins the race”.

Why am I bringing this up? Because evolving your cards properly is like being the tortoise, while just rushing to max evolution level and then starting to level your cards is like being the hare. Sure, you’ll start off faster and more powerful in the interim, but those who spend the time to properly evolve their cards will overtake you in the end.

It’s better to evolve your cards properly the first time.


UPDATED! May 01 / 2014
I've been informed by our resident math wizard Speede that these numbers DO NOT LINE UP DIRECTLY with HoC.
 There are slight differences between them, so take these numbers with a grain of salt.
The % are LOWER at lower evolutions, so proper leveling is even MORE important than ever before!

So another player by the name of RAVES (Bors-46) is always hassling me about my evolutions and has given me a few tips on how to do so properly, and efficiently. He pointed me in the direction of an awesome resource… the evolution guide for a game called “Rage of Bahamut” which uses the same tiered system and gives the different evolution methods as well as what percentage each methods overall stats are when compared to a perfect evolve.

I’m not about to copy / paste all of the data from one page to another, so will simply link it here:

Become familiar with this entire page on evolving as the information presented applies to Heroes of Camelot as well! This is an excellent resource because it tells you exactly how much you’ll gain (or lose) at different stages of evolution and leveling. More specifically it compares the evolutions here:

So we can see by this list that you’ll lose out on more than 13% of your stats if you rush your evolution job. While that may not seem like a lot on a small number, when you’re dealing with potentially 100K+ and spreading that across all 12 cards in your party the loss becomes quite evident. You will never reach the top tier of players with a rush evolved team as once you hit the higher echelons you’ll be competing vs players who HAVE properly evolved their cards and you won’t even be a contender. 


You’ve probably heard numbers like these being used in chat or the forums when referencing the method used to evolve cards. Quite simply the FIRST number represents how many cards were used to get to a FINAL evolution tier (T4) and the SECOND number represents how many times you’ve MAX LEVELED on the way there.

So looking at a 6-3 we know that there were:
·         6 base cards (T1) used to make the T4
·         The T3 were maxed two times
·         The T4 was maxed 1 time
·         The final evolution will be 97.809% of a perfect evolve
Blatant theft of the picture from that “Rage of Bahamut” wiki shows this evolution method as such:

So where should you draw the line? When does the additional cost / time in feeders exceed the overall benefits of max leveling?

If you’re like RAVES, you advocate a 6-7 evolution which would net you a 99.476% of a perfect card.
I personally go with a 6-5 evolution which will only net me 98.727%.
You may say screw it and go for a measly 4-1 evolution and be happy with only 86.629%.

EVERY % point counts in higher competition. Again, you may start off as ruler of the roost with a quick T4, but when push comes to shove and you’re facing off against those who’ve gone to a higher evo method, you’ll reach an unsurmountable plateau unless you literally RESTART your cards… So do it right the first time!


There are certain cards you’re just NOT going to be able to 8 card evolve unless your name is Scrooge McDuck (or the mighty S.H.O.C.K.E.R. haha). I have a solitary Vambriel… the odds of me getting 7 more are probably less than the odds of me winning the REAL lottery. So what to do with those rare 5-6* cards that show up once in a blue moon and are close to impossible to get multiple copies of?

I plan on doing 4-4 evolutions which will net me 96.180%. If I’m super lazy and don’t think I’ll ever use the card, but don’t want to just eat it, I will at WORST 4-3 it for 95.73%. Were you to go any lower than that you’re missing out on a minimum 4% which is significant when talking about the better cards. Obviously any % loss isn’t ideal because the higher the * value of the card, the greater the stats, which means the greater the loss for each squandered percentage point.


Glad I finally got this article on paper. It was a long time in the coming since “how to evolve” is one of the most frequent questions I’m asked. If you take nothing else away from this lesson just remember: Be the tortoise, not the hare. ;)

‘Till next time… RIDE HARD!

Carl Szalich
(Psilence on Bors-46)

Monday, April 21, 2014

Abilities - Speedes Spreadsheet (Ver 1.0)

*REMINDER* BOURGARD Raid Friday April 25/14 @ 1900 (7pm) EST Timezone.
*REMINDER* JEZEBEL Raid Saturday April 27/14 @ 1200 (1200pm) EST Timezone.

Welcome back Riders!

Today we have the first installment of our resident math wizard, Speedes, spreadsheet! He's been busy compiling data on the various beasts that we run into while playing Heroes of Camelot and has reverse engineered them to discover how their abilities are applied and what damage / prevention / healing / etc you can expect them to do based on their stats. Sure, it's possible we've recreated the wheel and this info is available elsewhere, but if it is, we haven't found it.

Without further ado, I present to you Speedes Spreadsheet version 1.0! (Well, it's not REALLY a spreadsheet, but you get the idea...)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This is a simple breakdown of known formulas for Card Abilities that we've been compiling.
  • Card = The Card Name
  • Target = Who it affects: Team / Party / etc...
  • Description = What it does / amount it does
Example: A T1 L50 Mhor the Wyrm has 13616 HP and 75% of that is 10212 Damage to enemy Team

Arabel the True
80% of ATK = Party ATK Down
90% of HP = Dmg
80% HP = Leader Heal
50% ATK = Leader ATK Up
Team w/ > ATK
40% HP = Dmg Team w/ > ATK
60% ATK = ATK Down
Black Knight
-30% HP Down
180% ATK Up
Celestial Lion
150% ATK = ATK Down
60% HP = Dmg
Earth Elemental
60% ATK = ATK Down
Elder Shaman
90% HP = Dmg
Father Maleficent
200% of ATK = Shield
Fenric Gore-claw
150% of HP = Heal
100% of ATK = ATK Up
Giant Boar
100% of ATK = ATK Up
100% of HP = Leader Heal
Ice Mage
80% HP = Dmg
Maiden Exemplar
200% of ATK = ATK up
Mechanical Knight
-30% HP Down
180% ATK Up
Merlin's Dragon
80% of ATK = Party ATK Down
Mhor the Wyrm
75% of HP = Dmg
Morbius the Cursed
70% of ATK = Party ATK Down
Necros the Grim
30% of ATK = ATK Down
300% of ATK = Shield
Stone Ancient
60% ATK = ATK Down
Sun Mage
125% of HP = Dmg to Party
150% of HP = Heal
War Horse
Team w/ > HP
100% of HP = Heal Team w/ > HP
Water Elemental
150% of HP = Heal

Note: Tiers do not change percentages, a T1 and a T4 of the same creature will still use the same percentage, the T4 will just have higher stats to calculate with.
Use this to determine which monsters are better than other’s based on their stats.
Example:  Take Black Knight vs Mechanical Knight…Exactly the same Ability
Black Knight
T1 L1
Mechanical Knight
T1 L1
Black Knight
T4 L1
Mechanical Knight
T4 L1

However, since the ATK value of Black Knight (BK) is over 30% of his HP and Mechanical Knight’s (MK) is just under 25% of his HP the ratio of HP down to ATK Up is drastic.
BK will make you lose 42 more HP than MK, however, increases your ATK by 626 points.  A Base T4 BK will cost you 296 more HP but increase your ATK by 1334 over a Base T4 MK.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I hope this is going to help you decide who would be better in your teams and / or who you should be leveling first (or at all). We're always looking for more data to continue to update this list so if you wanted Speede to figure out an equation for you post in the comments the NAME of the CARD, its LEVEL, its ATK / HP as well as the DAMAGE (or healing, or reduction) that the card does when it procs and we will add it to the next spreadsheet.

Thanks for the info / work Speede! I know I'm looking forward to the next installment and have some data RE: KARN to provide you with :).

Ride hard!

Carl Szalich (Psilence)
John Wright (Speede)

(... both of whom are PALE_RIDERS on Bors-46!)