Happy Monday, Riders!
For those of us who were able to participate in our raid last Friday... I think we all learned a lesson in humility. We went in all jacked up and were promptly crushed into a slick paste and spread across the Plains of Avalon.
So what went wrong? Where did all our prep work fail us?
There were a few things I noticed...
Remember in the last post when I mentioned that reading the blog entry on Guild Raids would be a good idea? Yea... based on the questions I was receiving I feel that not all of you did that ;). Be sure you read it before the next Guild Raid this coming Friday! (Same Bat-Time, same Bat-Station!)
Link: Guild Raids: Tips and Tricks
Within 5 minutes a few of us guildies were out of mana and had no potions left. Sure using a mana Potion to defeat some random boss SEEMS like it is saving you some time, but in reality, it's costing you the ability to perform well in Guild Raids. Mana potions should be saved exclusively for Guild Raids as without all of us having a ton of them, we won't be able to do enough damage to Beau to finish him off. So SAVE all your mana potions (but do what you will with your stamina potions).
What is your stamina to mana ratio? I suggest No more than 100-110 stamina and the rest should go to mana. More mana means being able to attack with your team more times without using a mana potion! It also lets you get bigger "splits" in your setup when you're making a half mana (or third of mana) team. So invest in mana and don't worry as much about stamina. When you're able to take out Beau from the front 3-4x per potion you'll thank me for the advice!
If you didn't get anything all that great from the Raid it was probably because you weren't able to attack either the SIDE or FRONT of Bourgard often enough. I went a little crazy and used all of my mana potions so I could do a little testing and share some results. I don't need to make a long post breaking things down because I can sum it up as: "If you can't defeat Bourgard from either the Side or the Front, you're not ready to fight Bourgard yet and should save your mana potions until you are stronger." With this next raid I expect we should now all be able to hit him from these angles but don't waste your time on Sneak or Back attacks.
I did 40x (or more) on both Sneak and Back attacks and never got anything better than a 2* feeder. I did a similar number on Side and Front attacks and while Side was "OK" and dropped some 3* cards for me, Front attacks were dropping Stones, Streaks, and 4*'s. Try to attack ONLY from the front if you're able to because that's where the money is! Moving forward I will NOT be attacking ANY other position on Bour... Front attacks only for this guy! ;)
We all have lives "outside the game", but Guild Raids are the special time when we are all able to come together as a Guild and work towards a common goal. I know some people had good reasons for missing the raid (Slunchy's phone was broken, GrimJim was swamped with work, etc...), but look at it like "soccer practice" or a "piano lesson"... if you're able to attend, we really need your help and are expecting you! We made it to 30% last time and I feel if more of us were there we'd have taken him down all the way. So if you can't make it, or if you have a problem with the time of the raid, let myself or another officer (Horseman) know so that we can either change the raid time to accommodate you or potentially call off the raid altogether if too many people will be absent.
Not to sound like a dick BUT If you're not participating in raids (which are a big part of being in a guild) for a prolonged period of time it is grounds for being removed from the guild. We HAVE to get a team together that is capable of beating these bosses because Bourgard is actually the EASIEST of all the guild raids... they only get harder! (Just wait until we try a Jezebel raid which we'll probably do after this next Bourgard. You thought Bourgard was hard? He is pathetic in comparison lol.)
- This IS a competitive guild. Right now we're all fresh and new and shiny so are weak in comparison to CCCP and the other leaders, but the GOAL is to have a strong core team that can propel us into the top 10. Guild vs Guild is coming soon so we have to get ready!
- Need EXP & Feeders? Tintagel @ Uther's Gorge = 18EXP per 4 Stamina and has a very high (33%+?) chance to get you a 2* feeder. If you need to kill stamina, this is your home.
- Choose your arena battles wisely. Look at the rewards tables, set a realistic goal and go for it even if it's just hitting 1300 might for a stone. No need to go crazy and waste 100 tickets to get to an additional level that will be easier obtainable in a week after you level / enhance / evolve a little more. Your tickets won't expire... don't waste them!
- Annnddd speaking of arena, try to aim for "sure victories" so that (again) you're not wasting tickets. A tip I picked up off the forums is to set a timer on repeat for 4 minutes (if you're hardcore grinding). Timer goes off, refresh arena, fight if you can, wait for timer... repeat!
- SUMMON STONES! A lot of us are holding ours and using them with other guildies online to "compare" what we all get! If you were willing to save a few and wait for other guildies to be online, normally asking the question: "Anyone want to use a stone??" results in a few people using one all at once and everyone posting what they got. It can be more fun than just using them alone and unloved from your basement haha :P
Sure I sound like a schoolteacher lecturing their class about the semantics of a video game but the more we know the stronger we'll become. There are literally NO resources on the net aside from the new Wiki and it does not really provide tips, just information on cards etc. So if you have questions, be sure to ask them and I'll try my best to reply (or another experienced player may chime in as well!).
Get geared up for Friday, Riders!
Carl Szalich
Psilence on Bors-46 server
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