Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Optimizing Your Raid Teams

This article is going to focus on building a better / more efficient raid team so that you can save mana, kill faster, earn more rewards, and place higher in your raids. Granted, these are my personal feelings and opinions and what I’ve been having success with, but the general ideas should be able to be applied to YOUR teams, even if you don’t have the same cards that I do.


Obviously one of the most important things to do is conserve your pots, so I typically try and find the lowest mana cost team that is still capable of completing front attacks. My strategy is always to build a team based on who we're raiding against, I don’t have a generic raiding team since every boss is different and has different stats.

My best suggestion would be to take your total mana, divide by 2, and build a team that will use that much mana. This gives you your "2x attack / potion team". IF that team is killing the boss easily, try dividing total mana by 3 and seeing if you can still defeat the boss. If you can, try dividing by 4, etc.

This will optimize your team for mana efficiency, allowing you to get the most hits in per potion spent. This is always the FIRST thing I look at when building a team: “How many hits can I get / potion and still survive?”


Bosses don’t have any “abilities”, so damage reduction really works well. Some of the most common and easiest to put together include:
  • Mhor + Giant Boar (Thick Skinned -30% damage)
  • Psycho Butterfly + Doomweaver (Giant Insects-40% damage)
Another way to survive is to increase your hit points with +%HP combos. More HP = more hits able to be taken = higher possibility of survival. Some of the common ones include:
  • Giant Eagle + Celestial Lion (+50% HP)
  • Balzathor + Fenric (Demons +80% HP)
Note: Going purely defensive like this may get you a lot of HP, but if you aren’t doing enough damage (or are doing damage too slowly) to defeat the boss, then you’ll have to modify your strategy. Sometimes high damage is greater than high hit points because you can kill them before they kill you!

That is how I position my team when facing easy bosses like Bourgard… Hit him so hard he can’t kill you before you kill him! Some good combos for +ATK% are:
  • Paladin + Armored Warhorse + Grail Knight (Knight Warband +100% ATK)
  • Gaznar + Morbius (Unholy Strength +80% ATK)
  • Ysbadden + Mhor (Titans +50% ATK) 

While these are probably far from optimal, I’ll share the layouts I use for my teams when I’m battling raid bosses.

My Bourgard team is:
  • T4 Fenric / T3 Paladin / T4 Grail Knight / T4 Armored Warhorse
This team BARELY survives vs Bourgard front, but defeats him everytime. Mana cost is only 32x / attack so I get 7x attacks per mana potion.
My Jezebel team is:
  • T3 Mhor / T4 Giant Boar / T4 Psycho Butterfly / T4 Doomweaver
  • T3 Paladin / T4 Fenric / T4 Grail Knight / T4 Armored Warhorse
I like the damage reduction teams because they can take a LOT of hits for you before they go down. I put Paladin in the lead of team 2 so that the healing proc keeps team 1 alive longer. This gets me 3x attacks per potion.

My Ossion / Lord team is:
  • T2 Druid Initiate
  • T3 Mhor / T4 Giant Boar / T4 Psycho Butterfly / T4 Doomweaver
  • T4 Fenric / T3 Paladin / T4 Grail Knight / T4 Armored Warhorse
This team is almost the same, but adding the single 1* card in team 1 to absorb the first hit so that the other teams survive. As long as I get a "crossed swords", I can get 3x attacks per potion with this team vs both Ossion and the Lord from Seige.


We’ve all got different cards at different evolutions and level so what works for me may not work for you. Try and make use of the combos you have available, set up chumps to take hits like I have w / my Ossion team, hit the bosses hard and have survivability in your party. Experiment with your ½ or (or 1/3 etc…) mana teams and remember that not ALL of your teams need to survive… just one.

Good luck with your raids! J

Carl Szalich
Psilence6K on Bors-46


  1. I need help on my Deck Build and your opinion about it:


    Thorn Witch (tier 1) lvl 14
    Arabel the Trye (T1) lvl 14
    Father M. (T1) lvl 24
    Necros G. (T1) lvl. 11


    Elder Shaman (T1) lvl 10
    Battlemage (T3) lvl 27
    Primal Warrior (T1) lvl 5
    Bard (T2) lvl 10

    Azarel (T1) lvl 25
    Sun mage (T1) lvl 25
    Arcane Arch (T1) lvl 25
    Ageless Scorp (T1) lvl 10

    1. http://www.cheathacker.com/heroes-of-camelot-cheat-hacker/

  2. Hello! Looks decent so far, I'd reccomend reading the April article entitled "How to: Order your Team" for more info. However, based on your setup I'd try for something more like:

    1: Necros / Father / Thorn Witch / Arabel
    2: Sunmage / Battlemage / Elder Shaman / Bard
    3: Arcane Archer / Azarel / Ageless Scorpion / Primal Warrior


    1: You want survivability. Necross / Father give you a revive, but you prob want more HP in this team so that it doesn;t go down so fast. Thorn Witch + Father + Necross at least give shields / healing to help mitigate the damage.

    2-3: Arcane Archer / Sunmage are some of the most powerful party damaging cards in the game. As such, having them on the same team means you can only get 1 of them to proc at a time. So I spread them out over both teams.

    Keep leveling your guys and you'll do just fine. I think the MOST focus needs to be on your tank team right now to give it more survivability. Aim for getting a spider / butterfly combo going for the 40% damage reduction along with the necross / father combo.

    I hope this helps!
    Carl Szalich

    1. Thank you for replying! I just got fenric as a card drop! I also have the spider and now i am looking for the butterfly... God dammit i can't find it as a drop. Thanks again!

    2. Hey also btw, don't the thorn witch only heal if half of the party is druid? Am i getting that wrong or it SOMETIMES proc even tho your party is NOT half druid?

      I have these following cards right now to replace it:

      Primal Rider
      Mist Stalker
      Ruibh the Wyrm
